Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Alphabet Film Festival

Keeping track of the movies I see each day with a short blurb of said film and who deserves to eat the proverbial "it".

A is for......The Adventures of Robin Hood
Errol Flynn is a bad ass in a swashbucklingly fun film. (Eat it Ridley Scott)

B is for......Bullitt
A cool little movie ahead of its time. San Francisco rocks. (Eat it Clint Eastwood)

C is for......The Candidate
An amusingly revealing look at just how crappy politics is. (Eat it Chris Rock)
(Note: I still love Head of State though)

D is for......Days of Heaven
A wistful, gorgeous, and perfectly crafted tragedy that packs a punch. (Eat it Pearl Harbor (the movie))

E is for......Eraserhead
I have no idea. I really don't. I'm going to go clean myself. (Eat

F is for......Full Metal Jacket
A cool, hard, often hilarious view of Vietnam. (Eat it Oliver Stone)

G is for......Ghostbusters
Bill Murray steals the show in this fun yet unnecessarily scary comedy. (Eat it CGI)

H is for......His Girl Friday
Epitomizes the screwball comedy with a classic Cary Grant performance. (Eat it Adam's Rib)

*Kramer/Tracy Double*
I is for......Inherit the Wind
Almost comically preachy, Spencer Tracy and Gene Kelly give a humanist touch to a great parable. (Eat it William Jennings Bryan)

J is for......Judgment at Nuremburg
A preachy, lengthy exhibition from a holocaust obsessed Hollywood. (Eat it Stanley Kramer)

*Edward G. Robinson Double*
K is for......Key Largo
A breezy crime film with noirish potential falling flat. (Eat it Humphrey Bogart)

L is for......Little Ceasar
A seminal rise and fall film with Eddie G. kicking ass. (Eat it Jimmy Cagney)

M is for......Malcolm X
An engrossing, inventive and overall revealing look at a very complex individual. (Eat it biopics)

N is for......Night of the Living Dead
A campy, apocalyptic scrapper with a solemn ending and a plot that actually makes sense. (Eat it Eli Roth/Rob Zombie/Zack Snyder)

O is for......One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
An interesting and odd take on the freedom and rebellion of mankind. (Eat it the rest of Danny Devito's career)

P is for......The Postman Always Rings Twice
An overly complicated yet trademark noir with impeccable acting and characters. (Eat it Barbara Stanwyk)

Q is for......The Quiet Man
A droll and exhausting yet well shot vehicle that lost my interest quickly. (Eat it John Wayne)

R is for......Red Rock West
A tightly wound noir where I actually liked Nicholas Cage. (Eat it the rest of his movies)

S is, lies, and videotape
A mesmerizing, intimate, and seductive look at communication and honesty with fantastic acting. (Eat it Ocean's movies)

T is for......The Thing
A quese inducing, shocking, and ultimately fascinating horror film with an eye towards human
nature. (Eat it [see "N"])

U is for......Unbreakable
Manages to reinforce and reinvent all comic book cliches while still being entertaining. (Eat it M. Night's other movies)

V is for......Vanilla Sky
A flabbergasting and confusing experience. I like that though. (Eat it Tom Cruise)

W is for......White Heat
The great, classic gangster film that I've been waiting for. (Eat it Little Caesar)

X is for......Xanadu
I just want to meet the person that thought this would be a good idea. (Eat it Hollywood)

Y is for......Y tu mama tambien
An infectious and frank film that goes where other coming of age films dare not. (Eat it Vicky Cristina Barcelona)

Z is for.......Zathura
Ultimately far too thinly drawn and predictable, if light. (Eat it Dax Shepard)

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